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Tennis Instruction

The non-hitting partner in doubles should help dictate play

The non-hitting partner in doubles should help dictate play

By Staff 04/29/2013

In doubles, it’s imperative to have a partner that’s good at the net. Tennis View recently asked Bob and Mike Bryan about the role of the non-hitting partner in doubles and how they can best influence the point.

Smash to a Better Net Game

Smash to a Better Net Game: Drop Back Like a Quarterback for a Better Overhead

By Chris Cozzillio 02/20/2013

A common question asked by students working on their net game is, “What if I get lobbed?” The best response—acquire a successful overhead. The following segments will give you the steps to help you hit your overhead like the best players in the world.

Learn to Compete Tennis Game

Learn to Compete

By Adam Naylor 12/31/2012

Your volleys are crisp on the lesson court but are limp come match time. You manage to learn how to come over your one-handed backhand and really crack it except when the club championship rolls around.

Tennis at Night Under Lights

Tennis at Night Under Lights

By Staff 10/09/2012

If you have an aversion to playing tennis at night under lights, you’re not alone. Many players prefer hitting during natural daylight because they see the ball better. Darkness can complicate the game, but understanding its elements may help you see the game more clearly.

 Idolizing Your Opponent can Hurt Your Game

AMAZED AND DAZED // Idolizing Your Opponent can Hurt Your Game

By Kait O'Callahan 10/09/2012

JUAN MARTIN DEL POTRO was overwhelmed when he faced Roger Federer for the first time at the Grand Slam level at the 2009 Australian Open. Coming up against a player he openly admired, del Potro was unable to play at his normal level.

Discover one of the Alexandr Dolgopolov’s deceptive weapons, his serve.

The Quirky Ukrainian

By Scott Mitchell 09/29/2012

Discover one of the Alexandr Dolgopolov’s deceptive weapons, his serve.

Swinging Volley

Swinging Volley

By Staff 09/26/2012

MADE POPULAR BY the likes of Andre Agassi and the Williams sisters, the swinging volley is a common stroke in the modern game. Although labelled a volley by defini- tion because the ball is struck before it hits the ground, technically the shot is similar to a groundstroke.

Short ‘n Sweet, The Abbreviated Serve

Short ‘n Sweet, The Abbreviated Serve

By Staff 09/25/2012

ANDY RODDICK POSSESSES one of the most powerful, effective serves on the circuit, consistently ranking among the best in total aces produced. Unlike most players, he uses an abbreviated service motion where during the moment he tosses the ball the racquet head is pointing up.
