Be mindful of whom you hang out with because your friends’ habits may become yours – for better or for worse.
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If your reluctant to run for exercise because you think its too physically demanding or you’re not certain where or how to begIn, you’re not alone. truth be told, addIng run- nIng to your exercIse program, how- ever, mustn’t be complex. In fact, almost anyone can do It, and runnIng can offer great health benefIts – especIally for tennIs players.
Many adults begin the early weeks and months of a new year trying to launch and maintain a rigorous exercise program.
Food is fuel. The more energy one expends during an activity, the more fuel a person requires. In essence, sitting at a desk writing reports requires much less fuel [or food] than someone on the go running errands or breaking a sweat with an elevated heart rate for the same duration.
Professional tennis players expend tons of energy during match play, especially if you’re Andy Murray, who competes long and hard and generally advances deep into tournaments.
Over two years ago, Mardy Fish appeared maxed out. At 6-foot-2, 200 pounds, he suffered from chronic knee problems, joint pain and a stalled ranking. Was there a correlation between his weight, health problems and mediocre performances?
Hands and feet can play victim to painful blisters, especially for athletes who endure friction from shoes and racquets.